Curriculum & Instruction


Curriculum & Instruction at Windham Central Supervisory Union is guided by a comprehensive set of programs selected, designed, and/or developed by WCSU faculty using evidence based methods to help students achieve at their very best. 

All programs are intended to create cohesion among schools in the Supervisory Union while respecting and enhancing the professionalism and creativity of our instructors.

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WCSU Guiding Documents

"Local Comprehensive Assessment Systems (LCAS) are a vital part of a broader educational system aimed at improving outcomes for students and enabling every student to meet proficiencies. The Local Comprehensive Assessment System Quality Criteria, as well as the related Local Comprehensive Assessment System Quality Criteria Single Point Rubric, were developed with input from educators as tools for reflecting on a system’s strengths as well as areas in need of improvement. These tools can therefore be used to determine next steps towards strengthening balanced assessment systems that enhance the effectiveness, availability and equity of services provided to all students."
- Vermont Agency of Education

This guidebook was created to aid educators in preparing for and participating in benchmark and progress monitoring meetings. Using this protocol, educators act as data collectors and analysts, transforming assessment results from numbers to stories. By taking a leading role in data driven meetings, educators are better equipped to take agency over those stories and how they shape their practice.

Educators know their students in a way that raw numbers cannot. This protocol is designed to acknowledge and wield that connection to benefit students, while assuring that their data is handled with sensitivity, assumptions are controlled for and student success is the focal point.

This protocol is a working document expected to shift as we grow in our experience and expertise as a community.

Literacy & English Language Arts

Pre-K Scope and Sequence.pdf
9-12 ELA Scope and Sequence.pdf

EL Education

Intro to EL Education

Intro to EL_ K-2.pptx

EL Education Summer PD

EL Education Summer PD July 2024



District Approved/Provided Software

The following software has been approved and purchased for WCSU wide use.  If you would like access or if you have any questions about using these programs, please contact